O Nama
Szeptember 17, 2015
BeeWeb je produkt komapnije Limessoft d.o.o koja je do sada uglavnom bila orjentisana na online izdavaštvo. S obzirom na stanje u online biznisa u Srbiji, baviti se na bilo koji način Internetom je jako stresan posao.
Dok su neki potražili ventil na fudbalu ili pecanju, jedan član tima je nabavio dva roja pčela još 2006. godine. Kako je stres i pritisak rastao, tako se povećavao i broj košnica. Danas ih ima 85 DB12 .
Činilo se da će tom tendencijom postati profesionali pčelar, a da će Internet biznis ostati hobi. Ipak, jedne noći, seleći pčele u Banat na suncokretovu pašu došao je do zaključka da primenom ICT tehnologija selidba pčela može biti daleko bolje organizovanija i profitabilnija.
Nekoliko meseci kasnije na FRACTALS konkursu Evropske Komisije i Razvojnog Fonda Vojvodine za ICT projekte, koji za cilj imaju primenu u poljoprivredi, Limessoft d.o.o je jedna od 14 kompanija iz Srbije čiji projekat BeeWeb je obuhvaćem finansiranjem.
Više o projektu pročitajte ovde.
BeeWeb tim
BeeWeb tim čine:
Nikolić Vukašin, dipl. eng. degree in Mechanical
Engineering 2002, department of Energy and Process Engineering,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kragujevac.
Vukašin is in web development since 2004. He has worked on a
number of web applications and websites for various employers and
on a freelance basis in the capacity of web developer, project
manager and CTO. He currently runs WSS Internet Rešenja web
development agency, where he manages a team of developers for
partner Dutch company Formin IT Solutions – Nearbyu
Jagličić Dušan, dipl. eng. degree in Chemical
Engineering, 2000, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy,
University of Belgrade. He have been working for three years in
chemical sector, DP AZMA Kraguejevac, after he has spent seven
years as project manager in Limessoft d.o.o. Currently, working
at WEBSENSE internet agency as consultant for Internet business.
He spent more than ten years in ICT sector working on developing
successful websites and applications as Internet entrepreneur. He
is a migratory beekeeper for more than ten years, owning more
than eighty bee communities.
Djordje Djokic, dipl. in mathematics and IT,
1998, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac. In his
professional career he is focused on development of web
applications, database development, internet marketing and
applied statistics. In the last 16 years he has been
working in IT sector (FNP, Dokumenten Management gmbh, Virtual 7
gmbh, 1stopmobile gmbh, NGO Tango, ACDI/VOCA, Saop doo,
LimesSoft). He currently works as independent Web
Vladimir Milicevic, Ph. D. in IT management,
major in business informatics, and college professor since 2005.
Research area: intelligent business information systems,
intelligent transportation systems, neural networks, genetic
algorithms, object-oriented design and programming. The author of
a number of software solutions in these areas as well as papers
in the Country and abroad. Participant in several international
software projects. He improved his knowledge in numerous of
domestic and international academic and professional meetings and
Jagličić Nemanja degree in Web Developing (PHP,
Javascript, HTML, XML, MySql databases, CSS, Java and Android
Development), 2011, IT Academy Belgrade. Currently working at
TrickyWebSolutions internet agency as Web Developer and
consultant for internet business. More than three years in
internet business and Web Developing.