February 10, 2018
Beeswax is firm, opaque, and it doesn’t smear when you touch it. It has pleasant aroma that is similar to honey, and it comes from etheric oils.
Worker bees, about two weeks old, extrude wax from four sets of glands under their abdomen. When the wax appears through the wax glands it is rather liquid and only in contact with air it starts to firm and becomes whitish.
At the time of honeycomb making, the wax is white, and later it becomes yellow. The change of the color occurs due to the presence of pollen, bee propolis and honey which gave to it specific aroma.
Beeswax is firm, opaque, and it doesn’t smear when you touch it. It has pleasant aroma that is similar to honey, and it comes from etheric oils.
It has numerous uses.
The largest users in developed countries are pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. It is used as the best natural sunscreen. It also protects skin from the wind and cold, moisturizes it and helps it against inflammation. It is easily absorbed, creating protection film upon face that slows dehydration and ageing, leaving skin soft, smooth and elastic. It is important to say that beeswax doesn’t close the pores of the skin. All these benefits make his an important part of numerous ointments, creams (especially those for dry skin and winter care), lotions, lipsticks and lip balms.
Beeswax is used for making candles. Large amounts are used in leather, wood, paper, textile and other industries.
Beeswax is a complex mixture of more than 300 components. It is known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerative effects, so it is used for healing wounds. When heated wax is placed on painful part of the body, it boosts blood circulation and contributes to better nutrition of the impaired tissues, absorbing toxins at the same time.
High-class beeswax is obtained when beekeepers open the honeycombs before extracting the honey ant together with honey, it has therapeutic use. It is especially beneficial for immunity boost, but it is also good for treating ulcers, laryngitis, pollen allergy, asthma, sinusitis, cold, for healthy gums, cleaning scaling of teeth.
The therapy is to chew a half of a teaspoon of honeycombs for about 15 minutes, 4 to 6times a day, which means every hour. When you finish, spit out the remaining. When treating sinusitis, heat the wax on medium temperature, and put it on your sinuses overnight. The therapy should last a week.
Pure beeswax candles are such a rarity nowadays. Most of the candles are made out of paraffin and stearin, mixed with synthetic oils. Placed in attractive packages, pretty affordable, they are leading us on buying them to refresh our homes. But, in spite of this, we get completely opposite effect. Soot that is produced by these candles is harmful as much as the smoke of cigarettes. While burn, they release different toxins, some of which are cancerogenic.
But, beeswax candles are something completely opposite. They are natural, without any poisonous components, they are anti-allergic and they have nice honey aroma. The only disadvantage is that pure beeswax is pretty expensive, and the price of the product is mostly determinant factor when buying something. But when we have in mind the fact that these candles while burning make negative ions that make the air fresh and clean from smoke, viruses, dust, different allergens; the price is immediately diminished factor. Buying these candles we actually invest in our health.
It is proved that, besides making the air healthier, these candles also help people with insomnia, relieve the symptoms of allergies and asthma, boost concentration, and have calming effects, improving our mood.